Being born and raised in London exposed Sofia Gillani to a variety of different genres, which has led to her being very experimental with her music. She’s currently based in Surrey, and now, her future projects and the single out on March 3rd not only shows her background in old school pop, R&B, but also jazz, etc. We asked the young lady a few questions…

indieRepublik: How does the songwriting process work for you? 

Everything is literally on my notes app! My music is representative of my messages and emotions that I feel daily. So when I get even a hint of inspiration, I’ll jot down random words or ideas about what I’m feeling, and then later put it into a song. It’s very freeing, and makes music so enjoyable for me. Over the years, I’ve definitely improved in how I illustrate those messages, and refined my skill.

indieRepublik: If you had to describe your music to a deaf person, what would you say?

Oooh good question! I would attempt to sign and say that my music is bold, and slightly funky. You can never expect the same thing twice.

indieRepublik: If your music was a movie, which genre would it be in?

Honestly, my music is so vast, it could probably fit in a large range of movies. But with the music I’ve recently put out, I’d say an action or a thriller movie. 

indieRepublik: Where do you get your inspiration from?

Daily life. The world is my inspiration, and the relationships within it.

My music is bold, and slightly funky. You can never expect the same thing twice.

Sofia Gillani

indieRepublik: What was the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given?

I like your soul!

indieRepublik: Do you prefer to play big festivals / stages or smaller club gigs?

Definitely large festivals, I’m an absolute sucker for large crowds. The more fans I get to see the better! 

indieRepublik: In ten years you look back to today and think:……..

How great of a starting point she had at that point, and how much she’s grown. 


indieRepublik: How do you think covid – and the lockdown – influenced music and the music scene – both recording and live? Whether negative or positive, or both?

During the Covid pandemic a lot of change musically and personally for me. All of a sudden I had this creative time and space to really get writing and recording lots of material. It was a very positive time and even though we here were ups and downs I’m glad it happened.

Official music video for Monster by Sofia Gillani

indieRepublik: Do you want to shout out to anyone ;-))?

Shout out to all my supporters and the music team. My new single ‘Monster’ is releasing on the 3rd of March. Do check out the full video for the track which is released on the same day! I am finishing on a EP which I’m hoping to release in May with stuff I am remarkably proud of! Follow me on my socials to stay updated!

Sofia Gillani on Instagram | Sofia Gillani on Youtube | | Sofia Gillani on Tiktok