The Dead South is a four-piece band from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, formed by Nathaniel Hills, Scott Pringle, Danny Kenyon and Colton Crawford. Their highly anticipated fourth studio album titled ‘Chains & Stakes’ is set for release...
PlaGu is a Berlin-based musician, songwriter, and music producer with a love for the streets Having grown up in a musical family, PlaGu passionately engages with the world through street music, valuing its reflection of experiences. He explores personal growth and the...
With her ethereal new single, ‘Between You and I’ Lotta St. Joan captures a glimpse of the mysterious space between the other and the Self, between choices, relationships, perhaps between generations? She asks “It’s all at my Disposal, But what...
Like a UFO, Berlin Alt-Dream-Pop artist Polar Noir shines pulsating electro-discotheque warning lights all over a cold reality with her latest, the critically urgent and elegantly compelling single ‘Circles’. The song was literally composed on an island in...
music videos still work In the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry, capturing the attention of listeners has become ever more of a challenge. Even with the rise of social media and short-form videos, music videos are still a powerful tool for artists to...