Nilipek., a singer-songwriter from Turkey, released her fourth album, “Uydurdugumuz Oyunlarla,” in May 2024. known for blending complex emotions with poetic Turkish lyrics and her soft voice with minimalist, yet compelling arrangements. Her...
Aqualine are a young indie band from Guildford, UK who have developed their own unique sound that mixes lofi rap, electro indie and shoegaze in a way that’s all their own. With their new video and single ‘Tomb’ they’re staking their claim to be...
Vinyl Floor are one of the smorgasbord of great Scandinavian bands (how do they do that? Is it the exorbitant price of alcohol and the darkness??) with an authentic feel for some deeper level of the Americana vibe. We listened to them and loved what we heard so we...
Formed in mid-2023, Caged Affair is an alternative rock band based out of Asheville NC (USA). Led by Tyler Kemmerling, a dynamic vocalist and guitarist who writes, records and produces their genre-bending music, the band’s neo-grunge punk hybrid sound has drawn...
Bleu is a musical artist who has created and inhabits his very own sonic landscape. Murky, swirling reverb-drenched sounds of desolation that pull you nevertheless in, the US indie/rap artist draws inspiration from musicians and film-makers who “create their own...