Ab Jetzt bin Ich Laut – Lucidez im Interview

Lucidez ist eine Singer-Songwriterin aus Bernau bei Berlin. In den letzten 8 Jahren hat sie ihre eigenen Songs komponiert und gesungen, hauptsächlich in den Bereichen Pop, Rock, Latin und Singer-Songwriter. Sie macht Wellen und macht Musik mit ihrer erfrischend...

Lucidez in interview – Ab Jetzt Bin Ich Laut

Lucidez is a singer/songwriter from Bernau near Berlin. Over the last 8 years she has composed and sung her own songs, mainly in the areas of pop, rock, Latin and singer/songwriter, making waves and making music with her refreshingly honest take on pop and pop life....

Lola Young new single Messy out today

It’s always a supreme pleasure to listen to a new Lola Young single, and this one’s no different in that regard, even if it’s different in other ways. Lola Young always wears her heart on her sleeve, but here she’s definitely showing her more...

Twenty One Pilots Clancy album review: If it ain’t broke….

Review By Ameena Ceesay With new singles sprinkled throughout the year, the anticipation for a new album from this alt rock duo was immense. Now it’s finally dropped, their first in 3 years. The fundamentals remain unchanging, but it’s yet to run its course.  The...

Coma 54 get melodious with new release ‘Flow’

COMA 54, the Irish-born, Berlin-based band who insist that they’re grunge, come back with more heavy guitars mixed with finely tuned harmonies and an ear for a good melody. I’ll let them have the grunge label if they like, and there are definite touches of...