Big Bang KI Festival 2024

Big Bang KI Festival indie Berlin

Posted On September 10, 2024

This week (11th and 12th September) sees the DUP Unternehmer Day become the Big Bang KI Festival.

Everyone’s hopping on the AI bandwagon, it’s true – or at least talking about it – but at the same time various aspects of AI (catapulted into the limelight as of two years ago with the Rise of the LLM) are presenting themselves as real game-changers in tons of different areas and roles.

From business to media to entertainment to communication to…you name it, early adopters and innovators are showing how AI and the mighty LLM can massively help to get things to run more smoothly and to expand the possibilities of whatever you’re involved in.

The Big Bang KI Festival in Berlin from the 11th to the 12th is all about AI (KI in German of course) and has around 200 speakers giving masterclasses, presentations and holding talks. From Yuval Noah Harari (who in the end is having to give his talk as a pre-recorded thing from Tel Aviv, something of a dissapointment for many) to Karl Lauterbach, Gregor Gysi and other political and business luminaries.

Go here to find out more

Written by admin

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