How to list an event on


thanks for your interest in listing your concerts on the site!

As of 15 November 2024 we’re posting our event recommendations directly on our Instagram and Facebook channels.

Our Curated Indie Events on Instagram

Our Curated Indie Events on Facebook

* If you want us to post your event on our indieBerlin Insta or Facebook channels, we’re more than happy to – either:

– send us the event and we’ll post it OR (better)

– post your event and DM us to share it and we’ll do so OR (best)

– Set up your event as put us as collaborator of the event / post, and unless it’s really horrible or you’re a Nazi punk band (or Trump fans) we’ll accept and post it.


There will still be a smaller number of events posted on our website, and these events will ALSO be posted onto the Instagram and Facebook channels.

The events happening here will be more the creme de la creme of the events happening in Berlin. The ones where we’re really, truly, overwhelmingly excited about 🙂

If you want to request to add an event onto our website, please read the following:

Up until recently, we let anyone and everyon register and post their events, but unfortunately that has led to a huge number of bots/fake users signing up (we seem to have over 9000 users…hmmm….).

For that reason we’ve had to change our process.

If you’re already signed up and posting your events, you don’t have to do anything.

But if you’re new here then:

Please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours (hopefully quicker than that!) and we’ll set you up with a user account and then you can post events to your heart’s content.

x Noel

PS If for some reason there’s a problem with the form just email me at 🙂

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