Berlin Music Video Awards – win tickets

Berlin Music Video Awards – win tickets

Berlin Gears Up for 12th Annual Music Video Awards Spectacle The city of Berlin is buzzing with excitement as the 12th edition of the esteemed Berlin Music Video Awards (BMVA) approaches. Taking place from June 12th to 14th, 2024, the iconic Club Gretchen will play...
Lola Young new single Messy out today

Lola Young new single Messy out today

It’s always a supreme pleasure to listen to a new Lola Young single, and this one’s no different in that regard, even if it’s different in other ways. Lola Young always wears her heart on her sleeve, but here she’s definitely showing her more...
Coma 54 get melodious with new release ‘Flow’

Coma 54 get melodious with new release ‘Flow’

COMA 54, the Irish-born, Berlin-based band who insist that they’re grunge, come back with more heavy guitars mixed with finely tuned harmonies and an ear for a good melody. I’ll let them have the grunge label if they like, and there are definite touches of...
abracadabra – Rate mal, wer zurück ist

abracadabra – Rate mal, wer zurück ist

Es gibt eine Menge guter und schlechter Dinge, die man über Eminem alias Slim Shady sagen kann, und ich muss allen zustimmen. Aber bevor er seinen Sinn für Humor verlor, war er immer zum Brüllen komisch, und seien wir ehrlich, der Mann konnte rappen. Nun, er ist...
abracadabra – Rate mal, wer zurück ist

abracadabra – Guess who’s back

There’s a lot of good things and a lot of bad things that you can say about Eminem aka Slim Shady, and I’d have to agree with all of them. But before he lost his sense of humour, he was always riotously funny, and let’s face it, the man could rap....
Billie Eilish new album out now

Billie Eilish new album out now

Third Billie Eilish album Hit Me Hard And Soft came out this week with no pre-singles. Spoiler: we love it. At the tender age of 22 Billie Eilish has already impacted the pop music industry to the point where a new album has become a seismic event, with listeners...
Review: Imagine Dragons new single Eyes Closed

Review: Imagine Dragons new single Eyes Closed

Despite their polarising reputation, there’s no downplaying electronic-rock figurehead Imagine Dragons’ immediate rise in popularity, tracing back to 2012’s Night Visions with singles such as Radioactive and Demons catapulting them into stardom. Under the...