eine neue Art von sozialen Medien: Erste Schritte mit Mastodon

Soziale Medien: Man liebt sie, man hasst sie. In schwachen Momenten ertappt man sich dabei, wie man wie betäubt nach unten scrollt, klickt und wischt, das Gehirn ist wie benebelt. Sie klicken auf einen Link, den Sie nicht beabsichtigt haben, und landen in einem...

a new kind of social media: Getting started with Mastodon

Social media: You love it, you hate it. You find yourself in weak moments scrolling numbly down, clicking and swiping, brain in a fog. You click on a link you didn’t mean to and end up in a rabbit hole of strange content, wondering how you got there…and...
Phileas in interview: “Almost Flawless”

Phileas in interview: “Almost Flawless”

The artist known only as Phileas – French-born, Berliner by choice – has been impressing people wide and far with his sonorous, rather sombre music over the last few years. His 2022 debut album was described by Rolling Stone as “almost flawless” and was...
The Berlin Music Video Awards are upon us again

The Berlin Music Video Awards are upon us again

What started as a happy little local event, the Berlin Music Video Awards have grown into a monolith of a global happening, attracting attention from every corner of the music video world.  Taking place on the 14th – 17th June 2023 at Club Gretchen...
The Beths coming to frannz club!

The Beths coming to frannz club!

Indie rock band The Beths will take us on a narrative tour of their dying specialist field on June 04th at Berlin’s FRANNZ Club. The Beths are no strangers to Berlin. Heading the long way from Auckland, New Zealand, they’ve played Berlin annually – when Covid allowed...
Pokey LaFarge slays ’em at Lido

Pokey LaFarge slays ’em at Lido

Pokey LaFarge is possibly the most well-known proponent of the recent resurgence of American roots music, and easily the most lovable. Pokey LaFarge played in Lido, Berlin last Sunday and tore the place up. Watching him, it was obvious that he is a man who has found...