Interview: Cisco Pema

indieRepublik: Tell us a little bit about your musical background Cisco Pema: I was Born in Argentina and then moved to Europe in my early 20’s. I see my background as a mix of south American volk and traditional music, with the things that my generation was hearing...

In Review: NO trigger

In 2022, No Trigger released their third studio album, Dr. Album, a decade after their sophomore record. Filled to the brim with melodic hardcore anthems, they’ve been playing around the world to bring it to the live stage, gracing us with a gig at Badehaus. “We don’t...

eine neue Art von sozialen Medien: Erste Schritte mit Mastodon

Soziale Medien: Man liebt sie, man hasst sie. In schwachen Momenten ertappt man sich dabei, wie man wie betäubt nach unten scrollt, klickt und wischt, das Gehirn ist wie benebelt. Sie klicken auf einen Link, den Sie nicht beabsichtigt haben, und landen in einem...

a new kind of social media: Getting started with Mastodon

Social media: You love it, you hate it. You find yourself in weak moments scrolling numbly down, clicking and swiping, brain in a fog. You click on a link you didn’t mean to and end up in a rabbit hole of strange content, wondering how you got there…and...