Wir eröffnen indielit mit einem Interview mit Robert Grant

Nachdem wir in den letzten 2-3 Jahren eine Pause bei der Vorstellung unabhängiger Literatur eingelegt haben, haben wir beschlossen, dass es an der Zeit ist, sich wieder mit Dingen zu beschäftigen, die Worte enthalten. Und wie könnte man unsere Indielit-Rubrik besser...

We reopen indielit with an interview with robert grant

After taking a break from featuring independent literature for the last 2-3 years, we decided that it’s time to get back to things with words in them. And what better way to restart our indielit section than with an interview with the very wordy (but in a good...
Review: Lucy Kruger live in Lido

Review: Lucy Kruger live in Lido

Lucy Kruger played in Lido on Friday 5th May. Lucy Kruger is a singer from South Africa, and until not too long ago was known more for acoustic guitars and more classic singer songwriter stuff. Recently though she seems to have gone through something of a sea change:...

The Berlin Music Video Awards are upon us again

What started as a happy little local event, the Berlin Music Video Awards have grown into a monolith of a global happening, attracting attention from every corner of the music video world.  Taking place on the 14th – 17th June 2023 at Club Gretchen...
Kitty Solaris returns with girls & Music

Kitty Solaris returns with girls & Music

Kitty Solaris, the woman we have long since glady granted the accolaide of ‘Berlin’s Queen of Indie’ is back with her new album ‘Girls & Music’. And indeed, back with a bang. A very danceable one. Girls & Music is the eighth album...